
Monday 30 November 2015

Chapter 16 - First day at school

First Day at School:
(Beep) (Beep) Time to wake up !!  This is the best day ever first day of school!! As I was getting ready and hopping in the flash car that we had not to brag but it was a limo (hint hint). When we got to school I went with my dad to the office and this lady that I think was the receptionist was coming over to greet me she said a whole lot of stuff that I was impressed with, so when she was finished I started to speak in the same language. As the office lady was showing me around the school, my heart and lungs were about explode because I have never seen a school full of Tall pupils. As me and my dad and mum were walking up the stairs it felt like we were walking 100 kilometers. I thought I was in a marathon for the longest race ever. Finally as we were standing in front of the class, the nice Maori principle had told me what class number this was,
“This is Room 29” she said
“Say what again” my dad had replied
“This is Room 29, I hope you don’t run out of breath if you know what I mean, Ha ha ha ha ha” she said as she was walking. That croaked laugh just made me feel like I was gonna faint no more like die, her laugh was as twitchy as a witch. When she had disappeared I was staring into space thinking about all the things that could go incorrectly like how badly the teacher was going to be, how the students would bully me, how the teacher aid will give me the evils you know the pretty eyes. This teacher just came towards me and introduced herself like I was awakened from the dead. She had told me it was art day and that she would like me to do something in my own culture, but I just looked blankly at her like if she was dead. I peeked through a little gap to see the students, as I was gleaming I saw a lot of pupils just sitting down.

Chapter 15 - Weekends:

Dear Buddy,
My weekend was so boring I did nothing but go to church and watch tv. It was dull and uninteresting we had to do hard work like clean the house and wash the dishes. The only cool thing was on saturday how I went to church. I hope you're having a great holiday. I will catch up with you later on in the week.

Thank you,

Ana Hingano  

Chapter 14 - Last Week

Last Week:
Dear Buddy,
“ I throw my hands up in the air sometimes saying heey oh gotta let go” hold up let's go back and start from the beginning. It all started when a group of people were in the back room dancing to a song called “Dynamite”. At assembly a crew of kids start dancing on the stage it was so cool and fun to do. We practised and practised

Chapter 13 - Guy Fawkes Day

Guy Fawkes Day :
Dear Buddy,
It's all about that bass, bout that bass no treble, “BOOM!”. Omgosh I couldn’t believe my eyes it was a big huge firework blasting as fast as lighting into the dark empty sky. It was so colourful, bright and shiny. It had a variety of different colours and patterns. My heart was just beating as fast as it could, my sister on the side of me screaming loudly, my aunt telling her to keep quiet, my dad watching his rugby, my mum having a rest, and me off in the wonderland of lalaland. As I was going to sleep, one big gigantic blast of fireworks coming from alexis’s house. I thought that was it but the party kept on going. I hope you're having a great time. What fun things are you doing?

Chapter 12 - Weekend

As I was sitting at church tears start rolling down my face, inside of me felt like I wanted to die already because there is nothing for me to do out there in the world, I felt so useless. Church was so full, almost everyone wearing black in church. Tears couldn’t stop coming down my face, and I couldn’t stop getting goosebumps.

Thursday 12 November 2015

Shot put Throwing Skills


This is a presentation about some tips that will make run faster than you can now.

Friday 16 October 2015

New Lego 3D Modelling

The New Tool "Build with Chrome" 
Today in Room 15, Miss Haydon came in and talked about a new tool called "Build With Chrome". It is a educational, fun, brainy tool to use if you wanna build anything. In this photo here is a picture of my Finished project that I had done. In this tool we can rotate, flip, and change shapes and colours of all sort. I am really proud of what I had learned and done today with Miss Haydon.

Thursday 15 October 2015

Chapter 11 - Choir

I was all blown away by the beautiful soul singing from May Road’s choir.
As I was entering the classroom I could feel the gorgeous outstanding vibe from the relaxing calm music. I had felt like I was in heaven. In choir we had a lot of songs to remember, but they were hard, there were some parts that you had to change the tune on so we were multitasking actually. To complement “Mrs Sialoto” she was a very great brave instructor, I think it would have took some guts to get up and sing in front of the Choir people.

Monday 12 October 2015

Chapter 10 - My Best Moment of my Holiday

Best Holiday:

On a cold freezing morning, I woke up to a bunch of people in the living room. As I was looking around the room I could see all my cousins, sisters, brothers, uncles, aunties and my mum and dad. I could hear them cheering and shouting as loud as thunder, everyone in the living room was all wearing red for our country “Dangala”. As I looked around the room and I could not see a single person wear a different colour so I had thought to myself, why are they not wearing a different colour. I heard the tv at the back of me saying “and there is “Jonah Lomu” scoring  a trie for New Zealand. And I quickly had faced to the tv. In a second I was already starting to cheer and shout appropriately. I guess I am a big fan of rugby, especially our rugby team “The Snakes” from “Dangala”. Because our country is so dangerous. I couldn’t believe my eyes I am really watching the rugby world cup omgossh! I haven’t watched rugby since last year, so I was missing it. My Team was beating the “All Blacks” apparently I did some research about this country “Cold New Zealand” that the “All Blacks” are the top 3 rugby teams in the world. I was pretty shocked how my team “The Snakes” had beaten them. The score was 54 - 48, I know right the points are close. I had enjoyed snuggling up with all my family watching rugby. It was the best moment of my life. Not to brag but my older brother that was adopted is playing in the “Wallabies” team. Which there team is very powerful, and good at goal kicking, especially “Foley” he is number 10, I bet he is the best kicker ever in history, because he never gets it wrong.

Thursday 24 September 2015

Waikowhai Comic Thanks

On the 22nd of September, Kauri team were invited to watch a production at Waikowhai Intermediate School, it was very cool and heart-touching because there name of the show was "Anthem" about how in the olden days men and women had to go war to serve there country, I did a little thanks drawing to say thank you and what I enjoyed about there show. I hope you read it and comment on it. I had put a lot of pride and joy in this piece of work I hope this is interesting for you to look at it.

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Chapter 9 - Sleeping

As I was walking back back to my house I didn’t feel hungry at all since I was thinking of food that whole time I was meeting the new neighbours so I strolled upstairs in making a big noise and fuss because I was so tired that when I got to my bed I just fell into a deep deep sleep.

Chapter 8 - Meeting Neighbours

Meeting Neighbours:
Can’t wait to meet the neighbours so cool. (Knock Knock) “Kia Ora` maty there I see your my new neighbour” neighbour said.
Yes yes I am, My Name is Cecilia and this is my twin brothers  Sione & Sepu, my twin sisters Sela & Salote, my annoying cousins Esapeti, Sinani, Mele, Viliami, Saimone, and the last but not least who would forget cousin Salote Jr.
“Well Good Morning, I see you have a big family there”.
Yea I do a big big family.
“Hope you are enjoying the view outside, and I hope we can have some dinner some time and I forgot to introduce myself well my name is “Elizabeth” and here is my mum “Shirquera”.
Well nice to meet we’ll see you later got to go help the oldies if you know what I mean and meet my other neighbour.
(Knock Knock) Hey there my name is Cecilia I am your new next door neighbour.
“Hello Nice to meet you my name is  Paulia and this is my son Tony”
Hello Tony!
“Its nice to meet but sorry we are busy at the moment what if we have dinner at my place tonight?”
Well I have to ask my dad first but alright.
“Bye so sorry have to go help my mum” as he said awkwardly.

Chapter 7 - My New House

My New House:
Holy moly I must be in heaven, Mum is this really our house? We must be billionaires! My house is so big it is the same size as the white house, But even taller than that. My new house was the best thing I liked about New Zealand. This house has big pools around it, 10 bedrooms, 18 toilets, 4 music studios,  5 big closets in the house for anything like Vacuums, Paint Brushes, and all sorts of house supplies, and mostly the biggest part I enjoy is the backyard because there is a run track and a big rugby/soccer field at the back that I can play with my family. My house is so big, humongous, enormous, huge, and gigantic.

Chapter 6 Going to Mt Roskill

Going to Mount Roskill:
As we were hopping in a taxi well all my family hopped in the other 10 taxi’s I was shocked by all the big buildings, crowd of people, and mostly a lot of fashion stores. Never mind what I thought of the weather I was just blown away by the big buildings for sure.! As I was sitting inside the taxi I was all dreaming about me and my cousin’s shopping clothes all though we are still young aged. I hopped out of the taxi with all my family in the other taxi’s we were so stoked to meet other people. Oh yeah I forgot to tell you umm our family loves to meet new people.

Chapter 5 - Coming to Nz

Coming to New Zealand :
Oh my gosh this is actually happening we are landing on New Zealand, and already I am not missing “Dangala”. This plane is all full just because my family filled up probably 10 rows or even more. Before this all happened I was really filling upset because today was my birthday we were meant to go the beautiful sunny beach of Samoa, but then you have those other places that you wanna go to. I said to my dad “Dad today I wanna go to Paris,Samoa,Tonga,Cook Island” “uh uh uh I already planned where we are going to on your birthday New Zealand” my whole body was just incredibly gonna faint that moment when he said New Zealand. I really  wanted to go to “Paris” because I wanted to go shopping and see the “Eiffel Tower”. Now back to where I was oh yeah I forgot we are on the plane. We were landing already I never knew? wow how long was I telling you what happened before we landed? Ohmmmyyyyyyyygggoooossshhh what a AMAZING! country this is! But what a fancy airport this is, Oh no no no this can’t be happening it's pouring with heavy rain! and plus it is freezing cold out here dad did you check the weather today? because I think we’ve got the wrong country!
Dad says “No no no non-since this is the right country this is New Zealand”
But you said there will be sunny suns lots of people. big buildings!  Can’t believe this is happening.

Chapter 4 - School Life

School Life:
I have a passion about swimming and horse riding. One day I would like to be chosen as the best swimmer at school. At school we have technology and computers, my school is the no.1 top colleague school in Dangala. Students here are reaching and pasting their national standards. We do reading, chemistry, and a lot of college subjects even though we are a primary school we are known to be the smartest school on earth. My subject talent is Reading and Science these 2 subjects are my least favourite things to do at school but what a surprise I am good at it. My School is called “St Cecilia Mount High Elementary School”.
Our principal is Mrs McCahon she is very nice but also at the same time really strict. She has been the best principal because she has raised a lot of money to make this school an effort. This is the best school and I really like it here.

Chapter 2 - Hobbies

I like to do outdoor sports like swimming and horse riding, I am a pro at it, my teacher thinks I could be a world champion. My favourite hobbies are Singing and dancing. I like to have competitions with my Aunty because she is really talented too. I am not so much an inside person I like to go outdoors to get fresh air and explore new things.

Chapter 2 - My Country


My Country is a country of dangerous animals, mountains, beaches, lakes and many more. The name of my country is called “Dangala” where there is lots of furious lions and deadly poisonous snakes. In the dorth island there is lots of little people and mostly it is well known to be the best place to go and have a peaceful relaxing vacation. In the high high islands which they call it “No-Women's-Business in this land there are no women to be seen anywhere. Where I come from is where there are  lots of big buildings, crowded  people, and a gang of dangerous animals. This place is poor and smelly because of the dangerous animals biting people and leaving a blob of blood left on the ground then the flies come and eat it all up. In my house there are a lot of us in our family so we can’t all fit on a bed so I have to share a bed with my 2 brothers sometimes I end up on the floor.  

Chapter 1 - My Family


In my family, I have twin brothers, twin sisters and 5 annoying cousins, I also have a Mum & Dad a funny hilarious uncle, loving grandma and grandpa, and my strict aunt. My twin brothers names are Sione & Sepu, my twin sisters names are Sela & Salote, my annoying cousins names are Esapeti, Sinani, Mele, Viliami, Saimone, and the last but not least who would forget cousin Salote. My loving mother's name is Serah, my strong muscled dad’s name is Isaake, my uncle’s name is Bob, my strict aunt’s name is Cecilia just like my name, last but not least my kind and respected grandparents Mavae & Mele. My Family is the most loving family I ever had more like extraordinary family. My family is strong, passionate, joyful and mostly proud of themselves and what they have achieved. My dad and my twin brothers and my boy cousins have the same eyes, my mum me and my twin sisters and my girl cousins have the same hair length and colour.      

Cecilia's Description

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Tongan Coronation Day Slideshow

In the Holidays, I have been researching about my Culture. This is a slideshow that was put together by me and my lovely parents, here you are going to find information about the Tongan Coronation Day in Tongatapu at Nuku'alofa.

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Matariki Project

This is my Matariki slideshow. Here you will learn some cool facts. In Room 15 we have been studying about the Matariki stars and we have been Creating a art project.

Maths Story Fairy Problems

This is my Fairy Tale maths story. Room 15 has been writing maths problems for the class to solve.

Story Problem:

Once Upon a time, there were 6 rats, all of the rats wanted 51 pieces cheddar cheese each, How many cheese altogether?


6 X 51 = 306
6 X 50= 300 +
6 X 1 = 6

Tuesday 30 June 2015

Jack and The Giants Point of view story

This is a story from the Giants point of view means that he is trying to convince you that he's not the baddy actually but Jack is the baddy stealing his stuff and scabbing of him. This is what we were focusing on this week and last week. Jack & the Beanstalk: I’m sure everyone has heard of the Story of Jack & the beanstalk. But here’s the real story. During my sleep, my darling wife was making me some breakfast. Then all of a sudden she heard a knock on the door, she got to the door and opened it, she saw a little boy named Jack, he said “I am hungry, do you have any food?” the wife said “yes, I got cheese,bread and a jug of milk”. When I woke up, I heard my Wife saying to little boy “Hurry quick hide”. I said ‘Fe Fi Fo Fum I smell the blood of an englishman” What you smell” said my wife “is the twenty chops I fried for your breakfast” said my wife. Then off my wife went and I ate my breakfast. As I finished I went and sat down in the chair and I took out my money bag that was full of gold and I started counting it out and then eventually I fell asleep, then that little cheeky boy came and stole my money. The next morning that little boy came and knocked on the door and my wife opened the door, she looked it was that boy again she gave him Bread, cheese and a mug of milk. Then I came stomping up to the Kitchen “THOMP THOMP THOMP”. My Wife said “Hurry QUICK HIDE”. Then I said “Fe Fi Fo Fum I smell the blood of an Englishman”.”What you smell” said my Wife “is the twenty sausages I cooked for your breakfast” and off she went. After that I went and sat down in my chair and got my hen out I said “Lay” and the hen laid a golden egg. Then the giant nod his head, and he snored again and the house shook. Then Jack tip-toed out of the oven and reached out to the hen. As I woke up the golden hen was gone so I said “My wife, my wife, what have you done with my golden hen?” my wife replied “Why my dear?” but that was all Jack heard for he rushed off before I had catched him and gobbled him all up. He sprinted down the beanstalk as if the house was on fire. When Jack got home he showed his mother the golden hen. The next morning, he climbed, climbed and climbed till he got to the top of the beanstalk. But this time he hid behind the bush till my wife comes out. Then he creped into the house. “Fe Fi Fo Fum I smell the blood of an englishman” as I replied. My wife said “What you smell is the bacon I cooked for your breakfast this morning”. Then I ate my breakfast after I took my golden harp out and said “Sing” it sang beautiful,soft and sweet music and the I felt asleep. When Jack took his harp the golden harp said “Master I am been kidnapped” and I woke up and ran after that little boy Jack, when I almost got him he called out to his mum “Mother get the axe” and the mother sprinted as fast as she could to grab the axe and gave it to Jack, and then he cutted the beanstalk down and the giant fell down dead on the ground. It was so sad for me but that little cheeky peaky boy will pay for this!! The End Created by Ana Hingano

Sleeping Beauty Narritive

This is my Narritive writing that I have been focusing on. Sleeping Beauty: Once upon a time, in a far away kingdom, there was a Handsome wise king, and a Beautiful bright queen, and there Gorgeous beautiful daughter. One night the King and Queen invited only twelve little bright shining fairies to the Party. This occasion was celebrating the birth of the new born baby girl. The thirteenth fairy wasn’t invited to the party because she was evil, bad and cruel. The fairies gave the gift of beauty, kindness and helpful. Then at last then the fairy Struck in and gave her wish to the Princess. “The King’s daughter shall prick her finger on a spindle when she is fifthteen and fall down dead!”. Then the twelfth wise fairy gave her wish to her wish “Sleeping mustn't die when she is 15 she shall sleep for a 100 one hundred years”. The years went by, the little princess grew and grew and became the most beautiful girl in the whole kingdom. Her mother was very curious, she kept the little princess from the spindle. But on the 16th birthday, as she wandered through the castle, and came into a room where an old servant was spinning. The Little Princess asked “What are you doing?” The Old Servant said “ I am spinning, Haven’t you seen a spindle before?” The Little Princess said “No, Let me see it!” the servant handed the spindle to the Princess…. and she pricked her finger and dropped to the floor. The old servant hurried to tell the queen. The queen was terrified. The queen said “Who will ever fall in love with sleeping beauty?” as she was still sobbing. Then a Prince from a different kingdom tried his hardest to get through the vines. While the prince was roughly trying to get through the vines with his all mighty sword and strong shield when he was finally at the castle there was twelfth fairies waiting for the prince to come and kiss the princess so she will be awakened at last. When the prince got there at last he saw the king and queen was asleep on the crown in front of the thrown. Then the fairies showed the prince the tower, as he got there he kissed her in the lips as she was awakening and they all lived happily ever after. Created Ana Sisifa Hingano

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Re-doing of my Mihi

Click here to listen to my Mihi

This is my recording mihi, It is a way in Maori to introduce yourself and your whanau (family).  I would like if you can feed-forward. I hope you like it.

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Silas the Stretcher bearer

This is my Silas the Stretcher Bearer Slide Show. We had to Learn first about the book, then afterwards we have to Create something to show others in our class what we have learned and then we Share what we have learned to the world on our blogs.

Tuesday 28 April 2015


On Week 7 we worked in different classes and groups, we had did some activities outside the classroom, we also got to do some fun and cool painting in the hall. My best memorable moment was the Sleepover on Thursday, we had a great night swim and a little May Road Idol that just blowed away the parents mind, some groups performed songs, acts, drama, and dances, at the end of week 7 we all agreed that we had a great fun E.O.T.C Week. Which Stands for -  Education Outside The Classroom.